Business incubators in Nantes Saint-Nazaire, accelerators for startups


The incubators in Nantes Saint-Nazaire welcome young companies in buildings tailored to startups.

General incubators:

• The incubator Nantes Creatic, north east of Nantes, offers 33 offices and workshops from 15 to 163 m2.
• The incubator Rezé Creatic, south of the Loire River, offers 31 offices and workshops from 15 to 163 m2.
• The incubator Coüeron Creatic, north west of Nantes, offers 8 offices and workshops from 20 to 100 m2.
• The incubator Cœur d'Estuaire, between Nantes and Saint-Nazaire, in Saint-Etienne-de-Montluc, offers 24 offices and workshops from 13 to 130 m2.
• The incubator Creatlantic-CIL in the Ville Port district in Saint-Nazaire offers 31 offices and workshops from 27 to 148 m2.

Specialised incubators:

• Hub Creatic Nantes, in La Chantrerie Innovation Park in Nantes, has 14 offices dedicated to digital tech.
• Creative Care Factory, on the Ile de Nantes, has 11 offices from 11 to 22 m2 dedicated to innovative start-ups in the field of health, wellness and better living.

Access to a full range of incubator services in Nantes

By moving into a Nantes Saint-Nazaire incubator, entrepreneurs benefit from a range of services enabling them to devote themselves fully to growing their business:
• Shared facilities and services: reception desk, phone answering, mail service, meeting rooms, common areas (kitchen, break room)
• Personalized assistance in business management
• Help connecting with local experts and actors (financing solutions)
• Business events and networking

Services at attractive prices

Space in the Nantes Saint-Nazaire incubators is offered at below-market prices.
The rents are progressive, starting at €60/m²/year plus VAT for an office and €35/m²/year plus VAT for a workshop in the Nantes Creatic incubator network, and at Cœur d'Estuaire (from €50/m2/year plus VAT to €90/m2/year plus VAT). In addition to rent, there are also property charges and the cost of shared services.
For a 20-m2 office in the Nantes Creatic incubator, the total monthly cost is between €196 and €235 plus VAT for two years.
In Saint-Nazaire, the rents at the Creatlantic incubator range from €96 to €132/m2/year plus VAT for an office and from €42 to €58/m2/year plus VAT for a workshop (excluding charges).

How to join an incubator in Nantes Saint-Nazaire?

Entrepreneurs must complete an application and present their project and motivations to a committee of experts.
If accepted, you will sign an occupancy contract for a period of two years (renewable once), and a support service agreement.
Do you have a startup project in Nantes Saint-Nazaire? Contact Nantes Saint-Nazaire Développement to learn about our support services!

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