Health / Biotherapies

Nantes Saint-Nazaire Développement


A networking mindset and transdisciplinary collaboration across all local stakeholders make the Nantes healthcare sector a national and European leader in several specialty fields. Start-ups are continually being created in this sector; 30 start ups have recently been launched as a result of local academic research.

Atlanpole Biotherapies, superior appeal

Atlanpole Biotherapies is one of the most economically attractive and dynamic clusters for the development of biotherapeutics in France. It boasts the highest number of projects funded in France, attracts a large number of researchers - one thousand over the last decade - and promotes the emergence of start-ups.

2026 : The future University Hospital

In 2027, the future University Hospital will be located in the Healthcare District, on the Ile de Nantes. In addition to a new hospital, a full-fledged medical education district will emerge, bringing together research institutes, a university campus, start ups and innovative companies.

Arronax promotes research, treatments and diagnostics

Arronax – Accelerator for Research in Radiochemistry and Oncology at Nantes Atlantique – manages the Arronax cyclotron, a world-class particle accelerator dedicated to the production of radioisotopes. Its applications include medical imaging, radiation therapy, as well as research (nuclear medicine, nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry).

Nantes is a leader in biotechnology health and research. In 2005, Atlanpole Biothérapies obtained the status of « competitiveness cluster » to further strengthen local capabilities. The reputation of Nantes research, combined with the presence of major structuring facilities and innovative SMEs are all part of what makes Nantes an attractive city in the health sector.


Biotherapeutics are a priority for economic development in Nantes Saint-Nazaire. Atlanpole Biotherapies, an interregional competitiveness cluster, brings together over 200 members working in immunotherapy, regenerative medicine and innovative technologies in biotherapy and radiopharmaceuticals. Some are European or world leaders in their respective fields, like Eurofins (bio-analysis) Valneva (vaccines against emerging infectious diseases) and Biomérieux. The research focuses on three main themes: immunotherapy, radiopharmaceuticals and regenerative medicine.

West Biotherapy is the one stop shop for cell and gene therapy projects in Nantes. Unique in France, it covers the entire value chain. Covering 1,200 m2 and bringing together 120 experts, it supports leaders in biotherapies such as Horama, an expert in gene therapy treatments, who has chosen to settle in Nantes.
The "Nantes Biotech" business hotel, adjoining the new Health Research Institute (IRS 2020), welcomes biotechnology start-ups next door to the future CHU


Connected health, telemedicine, digital stimulation, data, artificial intelligence… in Nantes and Saint-Nazaire, researchers and startups are inventing the e-health solutions of tomorrow for carers and patients. Leader in teleconsultation, Doctolib was sur of its decision hen it set up its 2nd national branch in Nantes in 2020. Likewise, around ten innovative start-ups in the field of e-health, well-being and better living, at the crossroads digital technology, have taken up residence in the Creative Care Factory, in the heart of Nantes’ Creative District.


With its 12,500 employees (including 1,200 doctors), the Nantes University Hospital is piloting numerous health research projects. The establishment is home to the Institute for Urology-Nephrology Transplantation (Itun), one of the leading European centers for kidney and pancreas transplants. Some 2,000 clinical trials are underway at Nantes University Hospital, France's leading center for early phase clinical trials in hematology and France's leading center for nuclear oncology. The 2nd cancer center in France, the Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest (ICO), based in St-Herblain, will also be completely renovated by 2023.

The relocation of the future University Hospital on the Ile de Nantes creates new opportunities for the biotechnology and health sector. More than simply a new hospital, a new health district will emerge, with 36,000m2 for the university faculty of health, 7,000 students and numerous research institutes. A development project that aims to position Nantes at the forefront of the future in hospital care and to attract the best researchers in the world.


Key figures


health research staff and 20 technological platforms


health sector companies

1 - 3

Attract 1 - 3 world leaders in healthcare within 10 years
Double the number of companies with more than 50 employees

There are more than 60 institutions, research labs and healthcare units, businesses, technology platforms and hospital facilities in this field focusing on research and innovation on antibodies, vaccines against cancer and autoimmune and infectious diseases.
Regenerative medicine
The members of Atlanpole Biotherapies develop innovative solutions to address the shortage of organs, as well as solutions for immunological care for transplant patients. They are experimenting with new therapeutic approaches for bone and joint diseases, dermatology, oncology, pulmonology and rare diseases.
Start ups, leaders in the food industry, research institutes, the Food Technocampus, France’s 2nd largest wholesale food market... Here, all the ingredients are aligned to design, produce and test the food innovations of the future.